Whiskey Jacks

Stats (Leaders) - 2013

All | League | Non-League
Note: A minimum of 1 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Garret Latourelle 14
2. Jamie Dallaire 14
3. Jonathan Minard 8
4. Corey Bechard 8
5. Pete Devcich 6
Batting Average AVG
1. Chris Greer .543
2. Jamie Dallaire .490
3. Jonathan Minard .435
4. Cedric Bradette .417
5. Jamie Dagenais .350
On-Base Percentage OBP
1. Kevin Walker 1.000
2. Jamie Dallaire .606
3. Ron Greer .600
4. Chris Greer .577
5. Jonathan Minard .562
Slugging Percentage SLG
1. Jonathan Minard .783
2. Chris Greer .761
3. Jamie Dallaire .647
4. Cedric Bradette .600
5. Darren Dinel .360
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
1. Jonathan Minard 1.345
2. Chris Greer 1.338
3. Jamie Dallaire 1.253
4. Cedric Bradette 1.062
5. Ron Greer .933
Plate Appearances PA
1. Jamie Dallaire 66
2. Cedric Bradette 65
3. Jamie Dagenais 65
4. Pete Devcich 54
5. Aaron Lemieux 53
Bases on Balls Percentage BB%
1. Kevin Walker 100.0
2. Ron Greer 40.0
3. Garret Latourelle 34.1
4. Corey Bechard 28.6
5. Jonathan Minard 25.8
Strikeouts Percentage SO%
1. Tristan Latour 100.0
2. Nathan Latourelle 100.0
3. Corey Bechard 50.0
4. Aaron Lemieux 48.9
5. Bill Newell 46.2
Bases on Balls to Strikeouts Ratio BB/SO
1. Jamie Dallaire 7.00
2. Jonathan Minard 2.67
3. Chris Greer 2.00
4. Darren Dinel 1.50
5. Garret Latourelle 1.40
Run Scoring Percentage RS%
1. Tristan Latour 100.0
2. Jonathan Minard 63.6
3. Cedric Bradette 57.5
4. Jamie Dallaire 53.3
5. Chris Greer 52.5
Note: A minimum of 1 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average per Seven Innings Pitched ERA/7
1. Chris Greer 1.01
2. Jonathan Minard 1.75
3. Cedric Bradette 1.84
4. Jamie Dagenais 3.14
5. Jamie Dallaire 4.87
Earned Run Average ERA
1. Chris Greer 1.30
2. Jonathan Minard 2.25
3. Cedric Bradette 2.37
4. Jamie Dagenais 4.03
5. Jamie Dallaire 6.26
Innings Pitched IP
1. Jamie Dagenais 29.0
2. Chris Greer 27.2
3. Jamie Dallaire 23.0
4. Cedric Bradette 19.0
5. Corey Bechard 9.1
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Cedric Bradette 19
2. Corey Bechard 17
3. Jamie Dallaire 7
4. Jamie Dagenais 5
5. Jonathan Minard 4
Hits per Seven Innings Pitched H/7
1. Chris Greer 4.05
2. Cedric Bradette 7.00
3. Jonathan Minard 7.00
4. Jamie Dagenais 8.69
5. Corey Bechard 9.00
Hits per Nine Innings Pitched H/9
1. Chris Greer 5.20
2. Cedric Bradette 9.00
3. Jonathan Minard 9.00
4. Jamie Dagenais 11.17
5. Corey Bechard 11.57
Bases on Balls per Seven Innings Pitched BB/7
1. Chris Greer 0.51
2. Jamie Dagenais 1.21
3. Jamie Dallaire 2.13
4. Cedric Bradette 7.00
5. Jonathan Minard 7.00
Strikeouts per Seven Innings Pitched SO/7
1. Chris Greer 11.39
2. Jamie Dallaire 7.91
3. Jamie Dagenais 6.28
4. Jonathan Minard 5.25
5. Cedric Bradette 4.42
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
1. Chris Greer 14.64
2. Jamie Dallaire 10.17
3. Jamie Dagenais 8.07
4. Jonathan Minard 6.75
5. Cedric Bradette 5.68
Bases on Balls per 9 Innings Pitched BB/9
1. Chris Greer 0.65
2. Jamie Dagenais 1.55
3. Jamie Dallaire 2.74
4. Cedric Bradette 9.00
5. Jonathan Minard 9.00
Batting Average Against BAA
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
1. Chris Greer 0.65
2. Jamie Dagenais 1.41
3. Jamie Dallaire 1.83
4. Cedric Bradette 2.00
5. Jonathan Minard 2.00
Win-Loss Percentage W-L%
1. Cedric Bradette 1.000
2. Corey Bechard 1.000
3. Chris Greer 1.000
4. Jamie Dagenais .600
5. Jamie Dallaire .500
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
1. Chris Greer 22.50
2. Jamie Dagenais 5.20
3. Jamie Dallaire 3.71
4. Jonathan Minard 0.75
5. Cedric Bradette 0.63
Batters Faced - the total number of batters faced BF
1. Jamie Dagenais 132
2. Jamie Dallaire 114
3. Chris Greer 106
4. Cedric Bradette 96
5. Corey Bechard 59
Note: A minimum of 1 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.
Fielding Percentage FPCT
1. Corey Bechard 1.000
2. Darren Dinel 1.000
3. Matt Bechard 1.000
4. Chris Seguin 1.000
5. Ron Greer 1.000